Following the Seahawks Into Cold Air

Departing Friday Harbor Airport. Six airports later I arrive in Minnesota. It just so happens the Seattle Seahawks will be en route at the same time. During my travel I ran into a fantastic musician named Jasper T. Check him out online at Music...

Lunch with Kaylee Before Leaving On Business

Business often takes me away from home. Before leaving for these trips, such as this one to Minnesota, I soak up as much time with the family as possible. In this video, Kaylee and I share a French-Style Pork Stew by America’s Test Kitchen (<–links to...

Building Your Own Killing/Restraining Cone

Before building this cone I shopped around with the intent of purchasing one (<– links to Amazon items). However, what I found was that they were all too small to contain a large bird like a Muscovy Duck and just barely large enough to contain a full-grown...

Sheet Mulch Rings

Mulch-Ring – Layer 1 Mulch-Ring – Layer 2 Mulch-Ring – Layer 3 Mulch-Ring – Layer 4 Below are the steps I take when making a layered mulch ring prior to planting trees. 1.) In the first image you see a ring of aged manure. This can be any form...