In this video I describe how I make seed balls with old seeds that have been laying around past their ideal germination period.
Inspired by Masanobu Fukuoka’s “One Straw Revolution,” I show how to make seed balls from the most simple of ingredients and by using a five gallon bucket.
The Value of Quackgrass | Elytrigia repens (L.) Nevski
Is your property covered with quackgrass? Has mowing lost its luster? Have you ever wondered if quackgrass has any nutritional value? In this article I compare some of the common feedstuffs in use for ruminants and other grazing livestock. Plus free grazing calculator.
Establishing a Garden When It’s Covered In Quackgrass
A smiple and easy way to protect your strawberry crowns when planting bare root stock
A quick tip for using woodchips and protecting your strawberry crowns when mulching.
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